Confessions Of A Guide Dog! – International Guide Dog Day

Guide Dog





We all know how special a dog can be. Yet, it’s truly remarkable when they dedicate their lives to help humans in need. International Guide Dog day is a day to celebrate these dogs that literally dedicate their lives for the safety of their owners. Guide dogs are amongst the most amazing dogs in the world, the difference they make to the lives of those without sight is truly REMARKABLE!


Professional guide dogs are more than a blind persons best friend, it’s their LIFELINE! These dogs provide blind and partially sighted people with the ability to enable independent mobility – something they of not been able to do on their own. They assist the visually impaired by avoiding obstacles, stopping at curbs and steps and avoiding traffic. It’s impossible to feel anything besides love and warmth when you witness the bond between these guide dogs and their owners. AWE!



guide dog



Guide dogs spend their first year in a learning program getting carefully bred and socialized by volunteers. It’s when they pass their first birthday that they start an intensive 4-6 month training to prepare for their “real world job.” Within the training the dog goes through intelligence disobedience, they learn how to negotiate obstacles, and get taught any other thing necessary. It is when they are completely ready and trained that they put on their suit and tie (special guide dog harness) and enter the real world!


However these dogs don’t regret becoming guide dogs. INFACT most dogs LOVE IT! What’s a better life than traveling every day and exploring new places? Dogs are very curious creatures and love to exercise, which makes this a perfect job for them! Being a guide dog ensures that the dog travels with their pet parent everyday to familiar and new places! Lots of people also would praise a guide dog if seen on the street – what dog wouldn’t love a good belly rub for doing an awesome job!






These dogs are truly amazing and play a BIG role in the percentage of population that is visually impaired. We don’t realize how lucky we are to have these creatures that can aid us in our everyday lives and be our best friend at the same exact time. Use this day to appreciate all the dogs out there that dedicate all of their time to help humans in need! You can volunteer at a guide dog training facility or donate to certain organizations to fund training for these precious pups! SEE what you can do by visiting! SEEING IS BELIEVING!


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