CESAR Five Dog Bone Award Pet-Friendly Product: MBT Shoes


MBT shoes have been called the “anti-shoe,” but that didn’t stop Animal Fair readers from selecting MBT as this year’s CESAR® Five Dog Bone Award winner for best Product. By combining balance, comfort and style into their line of “Physiological Footwear”, MBT has made strides among pet lovers. MBT is equally excited about the award: “We are thrilled to know that MBTs are considered the brand of choice of America’s dog walkers. MBT would like to help people all over the world lead healthier and better lives.” Joining your four-legged friends for a trip around the block has never been more comfortable! MBT (Masai Barefoot Technology) takes advantage of a Swiss Masai specially-designed curved sole. The special sole strategically activates your body’s supporting muscles, creating a natural instability that relieves joint pain, burns fat, and improves posture. “We strive to make walking better with less impact on our bodies … which allows for more impact on our imagination and spirits.” MBTs will help you and your pet live healthier, more active lives. The key to the MBT shoe is in its patented sole construction. Taking your dog for a walk around the block on the Masai Sensor, which creates a softer walking surface, is akin to strolling barefoot on a sandy beach. Congrats to MBT Shoes & Boots on the CESAR® Five Dog Bone Award win. Keep on innovating! For more information visit: swissmasaius.com.




Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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