Dear Lucky, The holiday season is always full of parties, but I am not a fan! The loud noises scare me, feet everywhere come close to stepping on me, and everyone tries to pick me up! How do you deal with being such a social dog, Lucky? -Mr. Muggles, Odessa, TX Dear Mr. Muggles, […]
Dear Lucky, The holiday season is always full of parties, but I am not a fan! The loud noises scare me, feet everywhere come close to stepping on me, and everyone tries to pick me up! How do you deal with being such a social dog, Lucky? – Mr. Muggles, Odessa, TX Dear Mr. […]
Dear Lucky…
Dear Lucky, When I travel on an airplane I can’t help but to bark because I’m afraid my owner will forget about me way down below the seat. But when I bark my owner just shushes me. What do I do? – Martha, Grand Rapids, MI Dear Martha, I think all small dogs have this […]
Trixy Must Travel With a Stranger!
Dear Lucky, My mom’s new boyfriend is going on vacation with us to New Mexico. I’m not really sold on the idea, but now I found out he’s bringing his son with him. How am I going to make it on a fifteen hour trip with a Pomeranian?! -Trixy, Kansas City, MO Dear Trixy, Do […]
Fidgit Fears Kennels
Dear Lucky, I’m so worried! My parents have to put me in a boarding kennel for a whole week while they go on vacation! What am I going to do? Will I be okay in there? How can I help mom and dad find the right kennel for me? -Fidgit, Atlanta, GA Dear Fidgit, Don’t […]
Scrappy Wants to Make New Friends
Dear Lucky, My family loves going to visit Grandma every summer. However, this year Grandma called and expressed how worried she was about me coming to visit. She recently got two new kittens of her own and she’s afraid we won’t get along. I love getting to see Grandma. What can I do to convince […]