‘Big Love’ For Turkeys

photo by Ryan Pfluger
photo by Ryan Pfluger

By Dylan Davis

Actress Ginnifer Goodwin, best known for her roles on the HBO hit show Big Love and the popular film He’s Just Not That Into You is teaming up with Farm Sanctuary for Adopt-A-Turkey, making sure millions of feathered friends get to avoid being the main course this year for Thanksgiving.
Farm Sanctuary, the world’s leading farm animal protection organization, is partnering with the actress to bring to light the horrible conditions and treatment our gobbling friends are forced to endure every Thanksgiving season. Goodwin, who befriended a rescued turkey named Magnolia, claims that anyone can have a pleasant, enjoyable Thanksgiving without hurting an innocent turkey by chowing down on a turkey-less dinner. “With so many delicious, cruelty-free Thanksgiving dishes available, there is no reason why any living being should have to suffer,” says the Big Love star. “I encourage everyone to start a new, compassionate Thanksgiving tradition this year and Adopt-A-Turkey, rather than eat one.”
Ginnifer Goodwin recently filmed two public service announcements for Farm Sanctuary titled Sponsor a Feathered Friend and Save a Life on Thanksgiving. Also joining in on the fun is actress Daniela Sea of Showtime’s The L Word, who is hosting Farm Sanctuary’s Celebration FOR the Turkeys at the organization’s California ranch. This year, a couple of compassionate actresses are giving some very lucky “gobblers” great reasons to be thankful. For information on how you can help out and make a big difference, please contact Farm Sanctuary at 607-583-2225 or www.farmsanctuary.org




Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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