Baby Hope’s Memorial Day Dos and Don’ts!

Baby Hope, and I hope you have a Memorial Day that is full of festive company and yummy BBQ food (veggie for me and non-veggie for Baby) to kick the summer season  off right! We have put together some great tips for your next BBQ extravaganza! Gathering your family, friends, and canine pals for a summer cookouts can be one of the best ways to celebrate the summer, but it is good to know some of the “Dos and Don’ts” to have a safe BBQ experience without any mishaps.

Here are Baby’s top ten tips featuring her favorite BBQ Dos & Don’ts that she just had to share with you!


1. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs: Giving in to those begging puppy dog eyes with grilled meat treats is fine — just as long as it’s in small amounts. Be careful not to upset your pup’s sensitive tummy with overfeeding or too many scraps! And absolutely no baked beans with those dogs (referring to hot dogs) — for so many reasons — I don’t know where to begin.


BBQ Don’ts

2. Onions/Garlic: Definitely hold off on this veggie and herb (Your pup might shed a tear over the entire concept)! Onions and garlic would not just give your puppy bad breath, but on burgers, hot dogs, or kabobs, are toxic to both dogs and cats and can cause Heinz (not talking the ketchup condiment here) body anemia.


3. Tomatoes: A big – No! This veggie contains Atropine that causes dilated pupils, tremors and an irregular heartbeat. The highest concentration of atropine is found in the leaves and stems of tomato plants.

This is the life

4. Chocolate: This might be truly my one scrumptious weakness but this treat is <em>not</em> a dog’s best friend. Chocolate contains Theobromine, a stimulant found in the cocoa bean that is harmful to your dog and causes unpleasant, and dangerous, side effects.

5. Salt: Hold off on the salt and spice! Giving your dog too many salty snacks (i.e.: potato chips or pickles) can lead to some dogs drinking too much water. Over-drinking can lead a to a dangerous, and sometimes fatal, condition called bloat in which the dog’s stomach gets too full and can twist or rupture. So hold off on the snacks and keep an eye on how much your mutt drinks throughout the day.

6. Macadamia Nuts: You’d be nutty to slip your dog a nut or two! Aloha, Macadamia nuts have been known to cause muscular weakness, tremors, bladder stones, and severe illness in dogs. In fact, most nuts are a no-go for dogs so best to keep all types away from your pup.

7. Grapes: Healthy for you, highly dangerous for your pup! This innocent snack, believe it or not, can lead to kidney failure in your pet!

8. Sweeteners/Sugar: Don’t give into your dog’s sweet tooth, because sugar can release insulin and lead to liver failure!

9. BBQ Chicken: Avoid giving your dog bones of any kind, because if eaten they can splinter and harm a pet’s internal organs! When you just can’t help but give in, simply pull the meat off the bone and only give a small amount at a time!

Paws Off Alcohol!

10. Keep the alcohol away from your dog! Though a Bloodhound Mary or a Dachshund Daiquiri might sound nice, alcohol and dogs do not mix! This seems like an obvious summer “BBQ Don’t”, but I have caught Baby trying to sneak a sip poolside! Keep your drinks above paws’ reach, no need to see exactly how much trouble your stumbling pup might find. Not to mention the severe health risks associated with alcohol consumption in animals.


Ensuring your pup avoids foods such as the above-mentioned will help ensure a fun, safe, and satiating summer for the both of you! We’re not trying to say that there are no safe ways for your pup to welcome the summer with a little indulgence.  Trust me, your dog will thank you! For more information about your pet’s health and safety, please visit

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