Animal Fair spent a refreshing day with Anna Getty, (daughter of Paul Getty III, an heir of the Getty family oil fortune) and her adorable Lab, Tennessee. Check out how Getty’s passion for a pure, organic way of life was more than her dog could hope for!
AF: Tell us about Tennessee: how did he become part of the family?
AG: I got Tennessee in my early 20s when I was living in Paris. I was lonely and obsessed with the idea of having a Lab. I saw a lot of great Labs in Paris. They are really into dogs over there. I spoke to this woman and she told me to come and see this puppy. I totally fell in love with him! I brought him back to the states, and now here we are. He’s 13-years-old now.
AF: He had a health scare a while ago. What happened?
AG: Tennessee started developing these tumors under his skin, but you could see them in his leg. It turned out to be cancer, that had spread to his lymph nodes. The vet told me he didn’t have long to live… two years tops. We got the tumors removed right away and the vet wanted us to start radiotherapy. I started doing a great deal of research on naturopathic ways of healing cancer and came up with a program that seemed to work for him.
AF: Are these kinds of tumors common in Labs?
AG: It happens pretty often in purebred Labs, and I also personally think it’s because of the pesticides in the grass, pesticides in the food, the quality of the food. So I put Tennessee on an organic, raw food diet. The results were unbelievable. It has been three years and the cancer is completely gone. Educate yourself and find out about healthy dog foods. Who does not want their dog to have a great, quality life?
AF: That’s such an inspiring story! Have you always believed in this organic life style?
AG: Yes, I have a business called Purestyle Living. Purestyle is the umbrella for all things organic and eco-sustainable. It’s a lifestyle I like to promote through yoga, through education and through media in facets of life. For example, we don’t use pesticides in our garden. I’m also a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor. It is a very holistic way of living. Take a look around… everything is thriving.
Click here for information about Purestyle!
– Maria Akl
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