Morris Makes His Debut

On May 9th, the torch of finickiness was passed to new paws as 9 Lives announced a new Morris : Morris IV. The new feline icon made his purrsonal debut in New York during National Pet Week. Like his predecessors, Morris IV has that special something it takes to successfully carry on the 32-year tradition of charm, style and wit, while upholding the impeccable taste associated with Morris the 9 Lives Cat.
This new road of glitz and glamour is a far cry from the star’s humble beginnings. Similar to those orange tabby felines that came before, Morris IV was rescued by an animal shelter and saved by 9 Lives. According to his new friend and handler, Rose Ordile, veteran trainer, it was his “animal magnetism and finicky demeanor” that won him the role.

From straydom to stardom, Morris IV has some large paws to fill. Since the beginning of Morris’ career, the 9 Lives cats have made national TV appearances with celebrities like Bob Hope and Lily Tomlin, and have been featured guests on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”, “Entertainment Tonight”, “Good Morning America” and the “Opray Winfrey Show.” Morris’ media savvy has extended his fame beyond television to encompass the political world as well.

In both 1988 and 1992, Morris campaigned for President of the United States. Although polls showed that he had greater name recognition than all other candidates except George Bush, he withdrew from the race to continue his spokescat career.

Most importantly, Morris has used his position as feline icon to promote cat health by starring in numerous TV public service announcements and putting paw to pen on three books, The Morris Prescription, The Morris Method and The Morris Approach.

Morris IV will continue these philanthro-pet activities by donating $10,000 to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in New York for National Adopt a Shelter Cat Month in June. Furthermore, during his reign, he will kick-off the largest consumer rewards program in the history of 9 Lives entitled “Morris Mania” and will introduce his new feline fitness program.

For more information on Morris or Morris Mania, visit




Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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