This is dedicated to all the groomers who deserve a day to be recognized! Let’s start today as Respect Your Groomer day! 10 reasons why grooming your dog costs more than getting your haircut 10. Your hairdresser doesn’t wash and clean your rear end. 9. You don’t go eight weeks without washing or brushing your […]
Time To See – Confessions Of A Guide Dog!
We all know how special a dog can be. Yet, it’s truly remarkable when they dedicate their lives to help humans in need. Guide dogs are amongst the most amazing dogs in the world, the difference they make to the lives of those without sight is truly REMARKABLE! Professional guide dogs are more than a […]
Kitty Confessions – What Do Cats Atone For On Yom Kippur?
Yom Kippur is known as the “Day of Atonement” and is considered the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. Many people repent and ask for divine forgiveness for any wrong doing throughout the previous year. Not to take away from the seriousness of Yom Kippur, but when you are breaking […]
10 Reasons Why Elephants Are Just Like People!
We all know that elephants the most powerful land creatures in the world. But there’s a lot we don’t know – like that whole idea that elephants love peanuts? Completely false. Or that their size makes them fearless? Nope, they avoid trees that have ants crawling on them. But there’s one fact that […]
Animal Antics: Prevent Pet Disasters In your Home
That 100-year-old oriental carpet, the magnificent hand-crafted chair that dates back to the days of the revolution – your treasures which have stood the test of time cannot withstand the test of your animal’ antics! Returning home after a casual Saturday coffee you greet your new golden retriever puppy, body in full tail-wag-spasm. You look […]
Happy International Day Of Peace! @PeaceDay
Happy International Day of Peace! Please take a moment to say a prayer or send positive thoughts for global peace today and those that are suffering, including the most vulnerable; children, elderly, animals, victims of poverty, violence and war. WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO PEACE A Day Devoted to Strengthening the Ideals of Peace […]