Inspired by real-life events, Dolphin Tale is a moving “Save the Dolphins” story for the post-millennium generation. Sawyer (Nathan Gamble) finds Winter, a young dolphin, tangled in a fishing net. Winter winds up at a Marine Hospital, where she suffers a necessary tail amputation and receives a dour prognosis. Sawyer becomes dedicated to visiting Winter and volunteering at the hospital, and thei special relationship proves mutually beneficial. While visiting his cousin, injured from the military, Sawyer meets a doctor (Morgan Freeman), who agrees to build Winter a prosthetic tail. Long story short, a few serious obstacles—a damaging natural disaster, the chance of euthanasia, and some failed tail models—threaten Winter’s chance at survival. But, Sawyer’s unrelenting commitment and the doctor’s victory in furnishing a usable prosthesis allow Winter to live and flip her remarkable tale/tail.
The film ends with encouraging, aww-inspiring footage of the real Winter and amputees invigorated by her story. Since its release, Dolphin Tale has merited deserved focus on other unbelievable marine rescue efforts. The SeaWorld Rescue Team, which helped with Winter’s initial rescue, spends every day planning, devising, and executing dolphin, wale, and other marine animal rescues. Inventive, breakthrough treatments have involved difficult physical therapy, rehabilitative bottle-feeding, and the first ever dolphin dialysis.
Don’t worry, you can give back to dolphins like Winter! Donate to the home of Winter—the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, details at
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