The long-awaited fourth installment of the Indiana Jones series welcomes back Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Harrison Ford, and Karen Allen and is joined by an all-star cast that includes Ray Winstone, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett, John Hurt, and Jim Broadbent.
When infamous archaeologist/voyager Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones is called back into action, he finds himself intertwined in a Soviet plot to expose the secret behind mystifying artifacts, which are known as the Crystal Skulls.
The trailer alone is enough to have you on the edge of your seat! Most of us grew up watching Indy, with his rugged good looks, brass sense of humor and cheeky demeanor. And, of course, for you male viewers, the films were packed with sexy women and tons of action and humor! You’ll find yourself shivering away goosebumps when the music is cued and when Indy picks up his hat, followed by that iconic silhouette! If you can manage to get past the cheesy one-liners, I think you’ll find that Indiana, though aged, still maintains that same youthful and vigorous spirit we all fell in love with!
Rating: A Two Very Eager Paws Up!
can’t wait to see this <3
Going into this movie, I admit I had low expectations. I thought it was just going to be another over-the-hill actor trying to relive his former glory (Rambo anyone?) But after watching it, I came away pleasantly surprised. Although I’m still not into the whole “Indiana Jones has a son” schtick, it was a really fun experience. And I definitely think your assessment about the character retaining a sense of youth and spirit was dead-on.
I haven’t seen it yet but I am taking Lucky’s advice! More movie reviews pleeease!
I must see this now. Two paws up from Lucky!!! It must be good.
I LOVED the Indiana Jones series, but I haven’t seen the 4th movie yet. With so many new movies coming out, it’s hard to choose!!