Among the previous contestants of NBC’s hottest reality television shows, “The Apprentice,” is the infamous Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth. Referred to simply as “Omarosa,” she is the only contestant in the history of the hit television series to be fired by Donald Trump twice. Since then Omarosa has appeared on several TV talk shows including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Crossfire (with Chris Matthews) as well as a brief appearance on the soap opera, Passions
Omarosa is the proud owner of a Maltese pooch named Bishop. As an avid chess player, Omarosa decided to name all her pets after notable game pieces. Her cat is fittingly named, “Queen.”
When asked why she decided to get a Maltese, Omarosa explained that, “[Maltese dogs] are more conducive for traveling. They are friendly and independent in some way, but still can give you the fun and companionship you look for in a pet.”
Having lived in Washington, D.C., Ohio and New York, Omarosa, Bishop and Queen now live in Beverly Hills. Most of Bishop and Omarosa’s time together is spent at the local dog park where Bishop gets to meet and mingle with the other dogs. And how does Bishop fit in with the L.A. social life?
“Bishop is an L.A. dog. He was born and raised in L.A. He goes and gets his grooming, he has his gourmet food, he has his friends, he has to be dressed a certain way. He has a doggy driver that takes your dog to appointments. He’s pretty Hollywood. He’s very much like them.”
Despite their close relationship, Bishop and Omarosa are quite different. While Omarosa is all work, Bishop is all play. According to Omarosa, Bishop’s day mostly consists of going to the park, hiding bones, running around and eventually passing out in the middle of the floor.
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