“I’M PET CRAZY,” Mitchell Gold exclaims from his cellphone in North Carolina. The founder of the Mitchell Gold Company, along with partner, Bob Williams, makes some of the most beautiful furniture in the country, but the duo would never design a thing that their 4.5 year old bulldog, Lulu couldn’t enjoy.
“Dogs have had an incredible influence on the way we design things,” says Gold. “A big part of our inspiration to do washable slip cover furniture was Lulu,” he reveals. Gold’s collection also includes distressed leather which the designer claim cannot be ruined by claws or other animal anitcs.
Gold has always had dogs on his life, but when he decided to look for a new canine companion he had certain qualities in mind. “We wanted a dog that didn’t shed, didn’t smell and was good with children,” says Gold. “We didn’t get the first two,” he admits,” but we got the last one!”
Lulu makes the rounds at Gold’s factory and in his office, and is loved by all. “I think it’s therapeutic to have a dog in the office,” says Gold. “She has a routine in the office”, he says of Lulu. “She goes around to all her friends – usually people who give her treats. After lunch she likes to take a nap in my office. She sits on my mohair chair – the most expensive piece on the room. In the afternoon, she has a lot of energy. She looks ar people and barks at them if they don’t play with her.”
Being good with children helps keep things happy at Gold’s office where Lulu visits the company’s day care center every day. “She rolls over and likes it when five or six kids rub her stomach,” Gold says.
Gold’s collections, which are sold in better specialty stores nationwide, make a significant impression on company directors and CEO’s, but it is Lulu who really wins their hearts. “Last year, I took Lulu on what I call the ‘Lulu Goodwill Tour,’” says Gold. “We went to San Francisco, Chicago, Cleveland, New York etc. and I took her to the stores where our furniture is sold. Metropolitan Home organized a brunch for her, House and Garden had a catered breakfast for her – it was great!”
Lulu gets the royal treatment at home as well. “She is allowed everywhere in the house,” says Gold, “except my bed! She’s too fat to jump up there anyway.” Lulu doesn’t sleep with Gold, but for good reason. “She snores so loud that we literally have to have her at the opponent end of the house,” Gold says.
She doesn’t mind having her own space, according to Gold, who showers her with enough love and attention to keep any dog happy no matter where she sleeps. “When I die, I’m coming back as a bulldog for the Mitchell Gold Company,” he says.
By Justin Del Sesto
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